5 great hacks to avoid convention burnout

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You might only go to one convention each year, and if that’s the case, it’s the big event you’ve been looking forward to ever since … well, the last one. Conventions are also a massive investment of time and money, especially if you are traveling cross country or abroad.

Quite simply, you want to spend all of your time enjoying the event, so these hacks are here to make everything else you do while you’re there as trouble-free as it possibly can be.

#1 Freshen up your room

If there’s a convention in town, it means all of the hotel rooms will be snapped up quickly. If you’re a bit slow to book, you might end up somewhere that you wouldn’t normally stay and it might smell a bit ‘lived in’ or musty. If you do end up in one of these, just tape a dryer sheet over the AC to make your room smell less ‘funky.’

#2 Phone charging tips

You’re having the time of your life and taking lots of photos of the awesome people you’re seeing (though remember that cosplay is not consent, and you should always ask), which means your phone is going to be close to dead by the end of the day. If you’ve got back to your room and found you’ve only got your charging lead and not much else, remember there is usually a USB port on the TV, so you can plug your phone in there and charge it.

#3 Free streaming (legit and legal)

On the subject of hotel TV’s, the range of channels is normally pretty limited compared to what you’d get at home unless you want to pay a lot extra. However, there are plenty of free streaming services you can access to help you relax after a full day at the con or even while you are there waiting for the next exciting moment. You can stream movies, TV or you can use Unibet odds and streaming to watch sporting events once you have logged in. This means you have access to a wide range of entertainment without paying the hotels rather high prices.

#4 Plan your day ahead

You don’t want to spend a moment longer than you have to in a line for panels and events that aren’t quite what you expected. Thoroughly research everything about each panel or event, so you make the most of your time at the con. Included in this is to arrive early, not just the time the doors open as that’s when everybody else is getting there – so, if there’s a line, make sure you’re near the front of it

#5 Pick up your lunch on the way

Cons are always busy and full of people just like you, which is truly awesome, except at lunchtime. While you’re still in the line for the concession stand to pick up that overpriced snack, you could be missing that panel you wanted to go to. Get around this by picking up your lunch on the way in and finding a convenient bench when you feel hungry.

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