[Cosplay Photos] MomoCon 2022

Momocon 2022


MomoCon was over the weekend of May 26th in Atlanta, GA. They bill themselves as an all-ages geek culture convention and looking at the pictures, they encompass all ages and geek cultures.

No matter who you are, there was something to hold your interest. They had gaming tournaments, a cosplay contest, celebrity signings and interviews, wrestling, concerts, and even cars. If none of that interested you, there were also artists and writers, or you could have just sat back and done some people watching.

Thanks to Sarah Elizabeth Smoak of Smoak Cosplay Studio, we get to see some of the great cosplay that was in attendance.

To see what Cosplay Conventions are coming to your area,
be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023